hoNey Lane DistillerY
Craft Spirits
We are a small, craft distillery based in Mims, Fl.
OUr SpiriTS

Year Round
Bold, sweet mesquite flavor.
Fusco (foos co) was created on a "why not" moment of inspiration. The mesquite brings a smoky spice to the spirit and carries delightful overtones of honey (Guaranteed visible honey crystals in every bottle).
FLAVORING: Palm Honey, Charred Mesquite
MASH: Two Row Malted Barley, Sugar
YEAST: Distiller's Yeast

Year Round
Light, sweet honey flavor, with flower blossoms
Meldulce (mel duel che) marks the beginning of our journey. This was the spirit that we first began experimenting with. It is not a rum, vodka, or gin. It has a very delicate honey flavor with flower blossom overtones (Guaranteed honey crystals in every bottle). Each season will carry slightly different flavors depending on what is in bloom when the bees harvest the honey. This creates a flavor in the honey that is unique to our corner of the world.
MASH: Pure Cane Sugar, Palm Honey
YEAST: Champagne Yeast
True hand-crafted small batch spirits.
We are supposed to say a lot of fancy things about how time and tradition effect the hand-crafted blah, blah, blah. We think our spirits stand without any bombastic claims. Our spirits have a fresh, vibrant flavor and aroma that is altogether our own. Try some, see for yourself.

It all starts with the Palm. We primarily focus on honey from the cabbage palm.

The birds and the bees. In our case, just bees. And flowers. And honey. Lots of honey.

All of our honey comes from our partnership with Jesse from S&S Apiaries.

It all starts with the Palm. We primarily focus on honey from the cabbage palm.
The distillery property has operated as a bee farm since 2010. Our site has on average 120 to 150 hives during peak pollination seasons.
Colony Collapse Disease (CCD) is debilitating to bees and has wide ranging impact on agriculture. The entire almond industry requires bees to fertilize their trees. The loss of one colony will not destroy this industry, however, CCD puts this and other industries at risk. We are fortunate that our property is in a highly productive area. As a result, our beekeeper can develop queen bees to sell to other apiaries to replenish colonies from CCD free bees.
We hope that our business can become an effective vehicle for educating the public on the importance bees have on our ecosystems and food production.
Where you can find us:
Free Spirit Distributor
5900 N Australian Ave
Magnonia Park, FL
(772) 201-8941
Loughman Lakeside Restaurant
1955 Hatbill Rd #5904
Mims, FL 32754
(321) 289-0611
Local Honey Supplier:
2429 Pioneer Trail
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
(368) 478-9722
Let's keep in touch!